Is Convertkit Worth It in 2022?

Marketing Lot
5 min readMar 21, 2022
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Email marketing tool Convertkit has been called the best email marketing platform by TheNextWeb, and many other sources cite it as the go-to email marketing service of choice. Since starting in 2012, Convertkit has developed into an affordable solution with everything you need to set up, manage, and automate your email marketing campaigns — all within one easy-to-use platform. So what exactly is Convertkit, and why should you consider using it? Here’s everything you need to know about this powerful email marketing tool — whether you’re considering signing up or already have an account!

Why Do You Need an Email Marketing Tool

If you want to optimize your email marketing strategy and remain responsive, you’ll need a tool that can be tweaked based on your subscriber data. A good email marketing tool will allow you to send targeted emails and seamlessly track subscriber behavior. If a member downloads a few ebooks but doesn’t purchase anything, it can alert you so that you know when to follow up and move them out of your prospecting phase. If they make repeat purchases, an email automation software might thank them for their loyalty or offer special discounts on products they may have purchased previously. Most email marketing tools are easy to use and intuitive, allowing you to focus on creating high-quality content. In order to determine which one is right for your business, it’s important to understand what each tool offers — and how each one works.

What is ConvertKit?

After researching dozens of different email marketing tools, we decided to try out ConvertKit. In just a few minutes of signing up and creating an account, we were able to do things like: make our own forms to place on our website, schedule emails to send at specific times in the future (like an email that sends itself 24 hours after someone signs up for a webinar or free class), and track how many people opened our emails and clicked on certain links. It’s very easy-to-use interface made us feel like we could really experiment with getting better results from our email list.

How Does ConvertKit Work with WordPress

To use a service like ConvertKit, you need to host your email lists through their system. This means you’ll have to switch from your current email marketing provider, which may not be as simple as it sounds. Most WordPress-hosted email marketing services use an application programming interface (API) to communicate with your website and deliver emails on your behalf. In most cases, once you connect an app or service that uses APIs with a new provider, all of your data will be instantly transferred over, including subscribers and campaigns. With WordPress-based providers that follow suit with easy integration are companies like GetResponse and Mailchimp.

Convertkit key features

Convertkit Features page

I’m going to take a look at just some of ConvertKit’s main features and give you my thoughts on them. There is obviously much more to it than what I’ll touch on here, but these are some things that stood out to me when looking at it.

The split test function: Converting customers isn’t a clear-cut business model by any means, which makes split testing so important. More often than not, we can understand something is good (or bad) from statistics alone; however, it’s never enough to be comfortable with that conclusion unless there is clear evidence behind it. Often times businesses will make changes without properly testing them first.

Automation is huge! One of my favorite parts about ConvertKit is their automation feature. If you aren’t familiar with automation, it essentially lets you have your email subscribers do tasks for you automatically whenever they perform a specific action such as opening an email or clicking on a link. For example, let’s say you wanted to add all new subscribers to your mailing list to Convertkit after they sign up for your list through Facebook. This functionality allows you to do exactly that. In fact, one of my favorite aspects of ConvertKit is how simple and straightforward it is in general. Everything just seems intuitively placed, like it was made to fit into your day-to-day life.

Get started with convertkit completely for free…Click here

Benefits of Using Convertkit

There are a ton of email services available online. But what sets them apart is their special features and customer service which convertkit provides. The system is highly customizable which helps you understand your subscribers’ behavior and help you craft better emails to engage them. The interface is user-friendly, allowing you to easily create email templates with a lot of options to personalize it with colors, images, fonts etc. Best of all, they provide excellent customer support for every type of help whether it’s technical or general questions about your account/customers etc. And I’m not done yet…they have an A+++ security! Which made me love them even more!

Drawbacks of Using Convertkit

This review of ConvertKit won’t be very long, because there really aren’t many drawbacks to using ConvertKit. The biggest one might be that it can feel a little complex at first, particularly if you’re new to email marketing automation and marketing automation in general. If you don’t have a background in those things, it can take a little time to get used to using them (just like with any other tool) but once you do — watch out! Things are about to get pretty awesome for your business.

Convertkit Pricing and costs

ConvertKit offers several different price tiers depending on your needs. If you only have a few hundred subscribers and aren’t publishing more than 5,000 emails per month, then you’ll probably be fine with their free plan. However, if you are a growing business, then it might make sense to move up to either their $29 or $49/month plans. For example, both of these plans offer unlimited email sends as well as segmentation options and other advanced features. A Pro option is also available for $99/month but comes with higher limits as well as priority support from customer service reps. Get started for free with convertkit….Click here

Conclusion on ConvertKit

I’ve been using ConvertKit for a while, and I’ve been quite happy with it. Yes, there’s some room for improvement, but overall I think it’s one of the best email marketing tools for bloggers who offer content upgrades. I’d even go so far as to say that it has a better UI than Aweber does, especially in terms of reporting. While it would be nice if they offered support for more integrations, their core features are solid enough to help you market your business successfully. And remember: the best email marketing platform is the one you actually use. Get started with ConvertKit today!….Click Here

Affiliate Disclosure: There are affiliate links in this article. When you make a purchase through our link we get a little commission for recommendation.



Marketing Lot

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