Top 10 Email Marketing Strategies for 2022

Marketing Lot
8 min readMar 8, 2022


Email marketing was one of the first forms of internet marketing, and it still remains as one of the most effective ones. But as technology changes, so do consumer needs, and marketers need to be ready to change with them if they want to stay on top of their game in 2022. Here are the top 10 email marketing strategies you should be using in 2022, based on your competition and consumer demographics.

The challenge with email marketing

As a business owner, you need to set up your marketing email list properly in order to stay compliant with anti-spam legislation. You should strive to ensure that everyone on your email list has opted in and only send emails when you have permission. That said, it’s important to note that there are two legal concepts involved with direct marketing through email: CAN-SPAM and Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL). Canada’s CASL has some major differences from its American counterpart; we won’t delve into those here, but it’s worth keeping an eye on so that you’re familiar with any local legislation regarding your own business. Keep reading for our take on what businesses can expect from marketers by 2022. Write 3 different email subject lines based off each one of these sentences taken from above: 1) The challenge with email marketing 2) Setting up your marketing email list properly 3) Strive to ensure that everyone on your email list has opted in. Consider things like tone of voice, expected response rates, etc… An example below — Check out how to optimize your email subject lines for sales. By doing research about title tags and headlines (the H in SEO), you can learn a lot about how others approach writing titles — learning new skills is always helpful!

Email Marketing Strategy 1: Personalize your messages

Not only is there no excuse not to personalize emails in 2022, but it also creates a better experience for your customers. When you look at examples of effective marketing emails, such as Amazon’s emails or Nordstrom’s, it’s clear that adding some level of personalization improves overall user engagement and conversion rates. That might mean including their first name at points throughout your email, referencing past purchases or adding their name to a thank you note (something Nordstrom does with incredible effectiveness). No matter what type of business you run, you can figure out ways to add a layer of personalization without sacrificing simplicity. Your audience will appreciate it and so will your bottom line.

Email Marketing Strategy 2: Increase your open rates

Open rates are a crucial component of your email marketing strategy. There are several ways to improve your open rates, such as tweaking subject lines and sending emails at times when recipients are more likely to read them. But one of the most powerful ways is to promote something of value with every email you send out — not necessarily a promotion, but valuable content related to your business. Send a weekly tips email about how to optimize your site or social media accounts, and you can be sure that people will want to check it out — even if they’re not always in a position to buy what you’re selling. This is all about having useful information that’s easy for people to access when they need it.

Email Marketing Strategy 3: Focus on mobile

According to a recent survey, approximately 42% of email is opened on mobile devices. To maximize your email marketing strategy and ensure maximum exposure, get responsive and put yourself in your audience’s shoes. With GetResponse software, you can create landing pages that adapt to each device users are using — tablets, smartphones or computers — leaving no room for doubt that they got your message loud and clear.

Email Marketing Strategy 4: Start using video as part of your strategy

Video marketing is already a significant part of email marketing, as more than half of marketers currently include it in their email campaigns. Video is just going to become more and more important in email marketing going forward, so start thinking about how you can incorporate it into your strategy. One easy way is to use video in emails that are sent to subscribers who haven’t opened them in awhile. It’s a great way to remind those subscribers why they originally signed up for your list and get them back engaged with what you have to offer. In an effort to cut through our inbox clutter and deliver content right when people want it (and ideally before they realize they want it), brands must adapt every aspect of their marketing strategies — from where they spend money, to how they target audiences, all while telling better stories — to meet these new consumer needs.

Email Marketing Strategy 5: Use data to guide your decisions

One of our top email marketing strategies is to use data to guide your decisions. One of the email marketing tools we use (Moosend) automatically segments customers into different groups depending on how they interact with emails, and we encourage you to start segmenting by using customer data instead of time-based triggers like day parts. There are a few reasons why customer data is better than time-based triggers: First, your email marketing strategy shouldn’t be driven by day parts if you don’t have a well-optimized campaign. This means that if you currently run different campaigns at certain times each week without regard for actual performance, you should stop — and switch to using customer data instead.

Email Marketing Strategy 6. Optimize based on analytics

In an ideal world, we could launch campaigns and know immediately how effective they are. But in reality, marketing is not that easy; A/B testing isn’t always 100% accurate, and it can take weeks to get enough results to make a smart decision. Analytics tools like Google Analytics and Mixpanel can give you data on your email campaigns’ bounce rates, click-through rates, customer engagement metrics and more — but only if you set them up correctly beforehand. Don’t wait until after your campaign to start analyzing! It’s important to run tests as often as possible (we recommend at least once per month) so you can quickly adapt when performance dips or surges. Keeping track of all these different parameters will help when it comes time to optimize for profitability down the line. Your future self will thank you, trust us.

Email Marketing Strategy 7. Add automation (workflows)

Automation is at its best when it’s easy to set up, easy to tweak and effective at increasing conversions. For example, we recommend choosing an automation tool that lets you drag and drop workflows together like in GetResponse. This means you can create marketing campaigns without having to worry about your ability to code or otherwise play around with complicated forms of automation. Consider tools like ActiveCampaign and Moosend if you are looking for something similar. To integrate a good email marketing tool (such as getresponse), adding automation (workflows) will help minimize errors and improve results by moving leads through key conversion phases automatically. It’s common for new business owners to feel overwhelmed when starting out with their first lead generation strategy. That feeling should quickly subside, however, as you realize how little time content creation takes relative to other functions in running a business — after all, one post per week over three months would still only amount to 120 hours (less than 5% of a full-time worker’s annual work). With such reasonable expectations comes clear-cut requirements: To effectively use content marketing to drive sales traffic , do your research and put forth great quality posts based on industry insights.

Email Marketing Strategy 8. Automate from top to bottom

Set up a welcome email campaign as soon as someone signs up, an email course to teach customers what they need to know, and an exit survey to find out why they’re leaving. Integrate your CRM with marketing automation tools so that you can segment and target these three types of emails automatically. And keep it relevant by pushing products or services to people who click on them but aren’t ready to buy. This is one of the best ways — aside from personal calls — to boost sales leads. And if one of those leads converts into a customer? Make sure you send her two more follow-up emails in quick succession; businesses are still sending just 1.5 repeat emails, according to Campaign Monitor’s 2015 Benchmark Report, despite research that shows repeat engagement is five times more likely to convert into revenue than initial purchases are.

Email Marketing Strategy 9. Stop spamming people with annoying ads and get them instead!

You may have heard that email marketing is dead. But not to worry: it’s still here to stay! According to MailChimp, 94% of US adults online use email, and 31% of Americans check their email multiple times a day. So if you’re looking to increase your revenue, email marketing is definitely a strategy you should include in your business plan. Sure, most people think of spam when they hear email marketing but those days are long gone.

Email Marketing Strategy 10. ROI (Return Of Investment)

It’s important to look at email marketing not just in terms of dollars spent, but also in terms of ROI. It’s easy to spend large sums of money on digital marketing campaigns with little return, which can hurt your business long-term. Therefore, it’s crucial that you take time to invest in strategies that are more cost-effective while still offering ample return on investment (ROI). As part of your strategy, it may be worth cutting back a bit on some short-term and one-off campaigns in order to focus on developing a handful of highly effective strategies that drive substantial growth over a longer period. If a tactic isn’t paying off within two or three months, consider cutting bait and moving onto another campaign; big wins should be happening much sooner than later!


With a solid email marketing strategy, you can retain clients, increase sales and grow your brand. As you’ve seen from these strategies, technology will have an enormous effect on how email marketing is done in 2022. The tactics that work today may not be as successful five years from now. But if you keep your eye on what new innovations are out there and adjust as necessary to meet them head-on, you can build an effective email marketing strategy that works for both now and then. ## _________ ## ## _____ ##

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Marketing Lot

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